The Business Master (4th Edition)
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Curiously, most computer manuals list DOS commands arranged
alphabetically rather than by FUNCTION, in logical groupings.
Next, a brief functional index which is helpful for most
beginners. PC-Learn tutorials do not attempt to present every
DOS command, since some are best reviewed from your primary DOS
manual. However, once you study this index, you will probably be
able to locate the DOS command you need in your DOS manual.
File management commands:
ATTRIB Change or display file attributes
COMP Compare two files
COPY Copy one or several files
DEL Delete one or several files
DIR Display directory listing
ERASE Delete one or several files
FC Compare two files
RENAME (REN) Rename file or files
REPLACE Replace current files
VERIFY Turn on/off write accuracy verification check
XCOPY Copy one or several files
Disk management commands:
ASSIGN Redirect disk access to alternate drive
CHDIR (CD) Change directory, display current directory
CHKDSK Check disk/files for fragmention, optional repair
DISKCOMP Compare floppy diskettes
DISKCOPY Produce identical copy of diskette
JOIN Join a drive to a directory
MKDIR (MD) Make a directory on disk
RMDIR (RD) Remove a directory from disk
SUBST Substitute drive for a directory
TREE Display directory organization of disk
DOS command, help, menu and screen commands:
APPEND Set search path for non executable file
CLS Clear the monitor screen
COMMAND Start the central command processor
DOSKEY Start command line enchancer/macro features
DOSSHELL Start DOS shell/menu features/task switching
EXPAND Expand file(s) from stored/compressed state
HELP Display help for one or more DOS commands
PATH Set search path for executable files
PROMPT Configure the displayed screen prompt
SET Set environment variable
SETVER Set/reset DOS version number
VER Display version of DOS
File disaster/recovery/prevention commands:
BACKUP Backup hard disk files to floppies
MIRROR Backup partition table/create delete tracking file
RECOVER Recover damaged files
RESTORE Restore files backed up with BACKUP
SHARE Start file-sharing utility for LAN networks
UNDELETE Recover accidentally deleted files
UNFORMAT Unformat/recover formatted disk
Batch file commands:
CALL Call/start one batch file from another
ECHO Turn on/off screen echo, display message
EXIT Stop command processor
FOR Run command once for each element of a repetition
GOTO Jump to another line of a batch program
IF Run command if condition stated is satisfied
PAUSE Pause batch program execution until key press
REM Remark/comment in batch program
SHIFT Shift replaceable parameters to left
Text file commands:
EDIT Start full screen editor/mini-word processor
EDLIN Start rudimentary line editor
FIND Locate a search string of characters
MORE Display data one screen at a time
SORT Sort text file data into sequential order
TYPE Display internal contents of file
Disk setup and configuration commands:
FASTOPEN Install cache for rapid disk use
FDISK Configure hard disk partition(s)
FORMAT Prepare disk to receive data
LABEL Modify, label or delete disk volume label
SYS Copy DOS system files to disk
VOL Display disk volume label and serial number
RAM Memory setup and configuration commands:
EMM386 Install 80386 high memory manager
LOADFIX Load program above 64K memory area
LOADHIGH Load program into upper memory area
MEM Display memory use map
Hardware setup, keyboard, printing and configuration commands:
BREAK Turn on/off break testing
CHCP Change code page (foreign keyboard)
CTTY Set console device
DATE Display or set date
GRAFTABL Install graphics characters (foreign keyboard)
GRAPHICS Install graphics screen printing capability
KEYB Install alternate keyboard layout
MODE Configure printer or modem ports, screen
NLSFUNC Install language support capabilities
PRINT Print spooler installation
TIME Display or set time
Writing programs, changing programs:
DEBUG Start machine code debugger/assembler
EXE2BIN Convert EXE format file to COM format file
QBASIC Start Quick Basic interpreter programming
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